EARS Net Preamble

This is a script for anyone planning to run the Net.  

Opening the Net

This is ((callsign)) and my name is ((name)) and I will be your Net Control Station for this session of the Enterprise Amateur Radio Society Net.

Are there any stations with emergency traffic, over?


The primary purpose of this net is to promote comradery in amateur radio, provide emergency communications and training, and share information about local and state events.

This is a DIRECTED net that meets every Monday evening 1900 local time. You do not have to be a member of EARS to check in and all licensed operators are welcome to participate.

For further information about EARS, please go to our website at WWW.EARSWEB.NET

When checking into this net, please give your call sign slowly and phonetically, your name and location and if you have traffic or not.

Once a list is complete, I will go to the top of the list, and you will called to give comments if you wish.

At this time, are there any:

Stations with traffic or announcements for the net, OVER


Are there any mobile stations wishing to check in OVER


I will now take general check-ins OVER


Closing the Net:

Are there any late check ins for the net? OVER


Any last minute comments? OVER


This has been the Enterprise Amateur Radio Society net. Thank you for your participation. I will now be closing the net and returning the repeater to normal amateur radio operations.