Work Day at the EOC.
So if you are interested in helping us set up an antenna and run coaxial cable to an area yet unknown, that is the task. We will also make sure the radio that has been there for several years is still functional. We still have to confirm the day - we are considering the 19 of August, 2023 - I will get more information as soon as I can.
The roof work is set up the dipole - an off centre fed (OCF) that is resonant on 80 and 40 - possibly 20 meters too. I'm still shopping the actual antenna.
The idea behind this - we signed a memorandum a long time ago that we would assist primarily Coffee County in the event of an emergency. This is part of being prepared and the actual up front action that would show our actual commitment to what was agreed upon. In the past we had this station, with some support to the county, but we are trying to be more of a part of the volunteer force. This is a freshener for the club and something we can be proud of.
If you need to contact me - slide an email my way. kc4flt at