EOC Visit Today
Today Geri and I were able to visit the Coffee County EOC - we spoke with Grant - he has the station location within the main area of their office area. So we are looking at about 100' of coax that will be ordered tomorrow.
The old antenna is still hanging up from the center feed plastic. We will need new rope, as the old is very weathered. I hope it does not require climbing the tower. The tower stands about 40 - 50' and we are not at the top but about six to ten feet from the top. We are not the only antenna on it. We gained permission to put the one side over the Agriculture Center and the other over the EOC building. Mr. Brown will be looking for where the radio is and send a picture so we know what we have (P.S. meters etc.)
Hope to see you there if you aren't going to Huntsville HamFest 'The Friendliest Hamfest in the World'...
How can they guarantee that?
Well - until the meeting keep your stick on the ice and your head up.